how to test reports in businessobjects?

Answer Posted / shivakumar auradi

Well testing a Reports,
what all above said are partially correct.

follow the below steps for successful report testing:

1: Identify the Database table Names.
2: Identify the Join condition for which data is coming.
3: write the SQL code for the particular Report.
4: Count the Report data and SQL data ( i.e. Count rows )
5: If count matches reduce the report size by filtering it
through Excel.( generate excel sheet for the reports and
filter according to unique value or country wise etc.)
6: If you are familier with Automation tool use the tool to
compare 2 excel sheets.
7: if not download excel comparision softwares and compare
8: I know comparing around 8000 or 9000 records are not
possible. so use excel comparison tool.
below is the QTP code for excel comparison. use this to
compare 2 reports each cell value.
////QTP code for Excel Comparison.

Set objExcel = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
objExcel.Visible = True
Set objWorkbook1= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(“C:Documents
Set objWorkbook2= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(“C:Documents and


Set objWorksheet1= objWorkbook1.Worksheets(1)

Set objWorksheet2= objWorkbook2.Worksheets(1)

For Each cell In objWorksheet1.UsedRange
If cell.Value <> objWorksheet2.Range
(cell.Address).Value Then
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3&#8242;Highlights in red
color if any changes in cells
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If

set objExcel=nothing

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