What will happen when Mapping variable and Mapping parameter
is not defined or given?
Where do you use mapping variable and mapping parameter?

Answer Posted / reddevilzz

For mapping parameters, there cud be a scenario as below
Lets say I have a sql override as ,
Select emp_no, emp_name from emp where $$Hint1
In parameter file, I have $$Hint1 = dept_id in (1,2)
if $$Hint = <empty>, in parameter file, in this case the
mapping will fail because, SQ would not be able to prepare
the query,

In another scenario, i can have SQ override as
Select emp_no, emp_name from emp $$Hint1
In parameter file, I have $$Hint1 = where dept_id in (1,2)
if $$Hint = <empty>, in parameter file,
still the mapping will be executed.

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