which exam date in wbsedcl in 2009

Answer Posted / soumyadipta munshi

20th Dec,2009

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plz send me some apts question paper for aricent. thanks in advance


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I would like to do my MS in US but i have a second class in B.tech with 56% where in i have good acedemics in 10th and inter .Is it posiible to get a US visa if i get good scores in GRE and toefl.I have work experience in an Internation call center for 1 year will they consider me for US visa as i have a gap of 2 yaers after my B.tech will the visa be succesful.What would be the answer if they ask me why you worked in callcenter after your B.tech and why opting for MS now when you didnt show interest in your B.tech background....


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