In a few sentences, please describe what you enjoy about
working with people!

Answer Posted / p.saravanan

What i enjoy while working with people is, peoples are of
different minded personality i enjoyed the different
behaviours of those people in their work which differs from
each others.

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Hi , I am a graduated in science at the year of 2006 & have started my professional career from that year as an HR personnel and still working. I have also got a bit of sales experiences in between this. Currently I am doing PGD in HRM from ICFAI & has done a Management Development Programme from IIM(Indian Institute of Management). My questions are 1) Am I moving in right direction towards my career ? 2)Will it be necessary to mention my Sales- Experience in my resume(as it was about 1yr.) , 3)What kind of job I can apply after finishing my PGD ?


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