in bpo's if they ask about "tel me about yourself" what i
need to answer to this question! please help me out with
the detailed answer!

Answer Posted / ranu

I donno why the people are giving more importance to
Age,then ur Family Background etc. Well I can gurantee you
that no company is intrested in your family or you
personally, they are only concern to yours professional
career what you have achieved if you are experienced and if
you are fresher how eager/ proactive you are to work.
The best answer would be.... I am XYZ (full name), and
summary of you carreer if u r fresher then mention what you
have done in your studies and if u r experienced just told
them each and every thing u did no matter what. It should
be relevant enough to your work enviornment.

It might happen that the interviewer doesnt look intrested
in your talks but I am dead sure that he is listening all
ur talks. So be bold be brave and try to make him feel that
you are if not the best then not lesser then the best....
Well this thought has helped me a lot. will do the same for
you as well.

If u r not agree with this, do let me know

Good Luck........

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