I am going to write TNPSC Group 1 exam i need the syllabus
or pattern for the examination.


Answer Posted / shyam sundar

The paper on general knowledge will include questions
covering the following fields of
knowledge. General Science, current events of regional,
national and international importance, history
and culture, geography, Polity, economy, National Movement
of India and Tamil Nadu in particular; and
Freedom struggle, Mental ability tests.
Questions on general science will cover general
appreciation and understanding of
science, including matters of every day observation and
experience as may be expected of a
well educated person who has not made a special study of
any scientific discipline. In history
emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the
subject in its social, economic,
political aspects; social and cultural heritage of India
emphasizing unity in diversity.
Questions on Tamil, Tamil Nadu, Language and Literature,
Culture and heritage of its people.
In geography emphasis will be on geography of India
including the physical, social, economic,
geography and on the main features of Indian agriculture
and natural resources. Questions
on Indian polity and economy will test knowledge on the
country’s political, executive, Judicial
System, Panchayat raj, Rural and Community Development and
Economic Planning in India.
Questions on Indian National Movement will relate to the
nature and character of the
Nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and
attainment of independence.
General mental ability test will include analysis of
classified data, logical and behavioural
reasoning, analogies, school arithmetic, numerical ability
and basic concepts of computers.
Current events will include latest developments on all the
fields detailed above including
science and technology.

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Hello sir, I'm sowmya from Chennai finished my B.E.Computers ,I'm interested to pursue Tnpsc Group one exam. I need your help to know the details of it completely as i don't have any clear idea of it . I have entered my questions below ,please help me to know them sir. 1) Is the current year exam got over, if so or not ,can u say the approximate month usually the exam will be held up ????????? 2) May i know the book list needed to prepare for this exam and were i can get those books in Chennai ????????? 3) Is coaching or self study is good to afford sir ? which one is more then enough sir? 4) If the coaching institute affords better , can u please say which one be better to join in Chennai ???????? because all say them as best showing a newsletter so plz help me of it sir 5) Is the correct time to get preparing for the exam ? How long period it takes to prepare sir like civil service it takes lot time ????????? Please guide me sir , let me know answers for the above questions clearly sir . 6) Is aptitude preparation is also needed????? Awaiting for your response. Thank you sir.


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