Why you think tester is more important for good quality of
the product?

Answer Posted / aparna

Let us see the testing cycle how docs will be reached to
Teting Team

Business Analyst->Change Request or Business Requirement
SSG or Architecture Team->SRS
Developers->various Design Docs w.r.t to their Systems and
unit test reports
Integration Testing->Integration Test Report
System Acceptance Testing->SAT Report
User Acceptance Testing->UAT Report(Almost equal to live)
and finally application will move to production

So all the documents are bundled and will be given for the
testing team.Tester should read perfectly and should
prepare test plan.And that should be accepted by all
stakeholders like dev,SSG and BA and also UAT people.

Once test cases are finalised testing can be started.If any
defect is missed, sometimes loss will be high for the
organization especially in case of mediation and Billing

Thats why I mentioned bugfree software.Hope u understood
the importance.

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