what are the questions asked by visa officer for B1 visa

Answer Posted / rajesh

1. How long you have been in this company?

2. Why are they sending you?

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Is it true that visa will get rejected for a non-cs engineering background student for a work visa in the US?




how will you enter in to usa(aliso Viejo,california)?


My B1 got rejected twice this year in gap of 2 months. Does AMCHAM(American Chamber of Commerce) also helps in any sense to get a visa?


Is it true that if i m rejected twice for business visa(b-1), i cannot apply for next 2 years?? If this is true, can i apply for student visa within those two years?


Hello, i am planning to open a virtual store on a well know website in USA with two american business partners, they agreed to sponsor me and provide a residence for me, i will be responsible for managing as well as shipping & handling of the merchandise, i dont have any work experience in managing, my question is...can i apply for a working visa in US? Thank you.


Hi - I had attended US B1 visa interview on 19th July 2017 (Wednesday) and I got "rejected". The The counselor had given the reason for 214 (B) section, I got 30 reasons for rejection after I had checked in google, Can someone help me? I will be going for the 2nd time after 6 months, Does it Okay? Is there any chances to reject 2nd time also. In my first interview they asked below the question:- 1) What is your designation (2 times) ? 2) Explain your duty of your job? 3) What is my company does in the US? 4) Where are you going in the US? 5) How many days are going to stay in the US? 6) What kind of conference meeting is it? 7) How many people are working there with your team in the US? 8) What is the purpose of the meeting? 9) What will you do once you come back from US after attending a conference meeting? *I have answered clearly to all above questions. But if they ask me why did I got rejected last time ? I have no answer. Please some one me




Hi, I am working for an orgination as manager in Pune , due to some problems i left some exams of my btech un attempted, now i don't hold any degree. Now my company want to send some people to USA on B1 and i too got selected. My company don't know about my story. So is there any way i too can go US on B1 with +2 ? Please let me know


I have applied for B1 visa as my company has selected my to attend Business meeting on its behalf. However, my own brother is currently staying in US as nonimmigrant. He had gone there representing his company. Would there be any problem for me in getting B1 visa for myself?


I applied for the visa in the first week of July it got rejected.I was not given time to explain my case.I have to go for some important official reason.My company in US has now pushed my case.I have got an emergency appointment date.What are the chances of me getting a visa now.


I have been rejected B1 visa twice by US Embassy in Abu Dhabi. On both occassions I applied in name of my own trading business (invitation have been made by my US supplier) even though I actually work in Abu Dhabi under another sponsor. Also, both rejections happened in the gap of just one month. Now, after one month again I'm planning to apply one more time. But, it is through the company where I'm working (as my visa is with this company) and the invition will be sent by our associate company in US. Can someone advice the possibility of getting visa this time as on first two occassions I could not convince them with legal documents that Im actually partner of my business but third time Im using the application from our associate company in US. Anyone can kindly advice on what are the chances of getting US visa.


I had a USA B1 Visa for 3 months validity but the trip was cancelled by employer due to some business reasons and I had not travel to US and visa got expired. Now, I again need to go to US and hence applying for B1 visa. Does this affect on my visa issuence


Did I need another visa-J for my next internship knowing that I already have a B1/B2 visa valid for 10 years and the duration of my internship does not exceed 3 months. thank you


My L1 petition (not visa)has got denied before 1 month, because of incomplete documents so I couldnt appear for interview. Now I am (my org) planning to get for B1 visa. What are the chances to reject my B1 Visa? How much is the risk factor? During filling form for B1, whether i need to enter the information about petition deny?