What is pragma restrict_reference in oracle 9i?When we use
this?Give me one realtime scenario?

Answer Posted / bhaskar gouda

First of all ,it is a compiler directive,This is introduced
to avoid the side affect of the function in a package .it
comes in 4 flavors.RNDS,WNDS,RNPS,WNPS.
each out of the above 4 can be implemented against the
packaged function.

If you want the function not to alter the contents of any
database table than you can use WNDS.similarly if you want
the function not to read the contents of any database table
you can use RNDS.If you want the function not to alter any
variables within another package than you can use WNPS.If
you want the packaged function not to read the variables
within another package than you can use RNPS.

Thanks-Bhaskar Gouda

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