I am applying for vizag steel plant management recruitment
for 2009 please can anybody send me the pattern of the
written test paper

Answer Posted / muthu

send the sample question paper to kumaar.muthu@gmail.com i
belong to CSE Engg stream

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A fly is there 1 feet below the ceiling right across a wall length is 30m at equal distance from both the ends. There is a spider 1 feet above floor right across the long wall eqidistant from both the ends. If the width of the room is 12m and 12m, what distance is to be travelled by the spider to catch the fly? if it takes the shortest path.


i attended sbi clerical interview on28/04/10.on 20/08/10 i called sbi headoffice 022-22024619 they said tht final result will be declared after 2 months.i also had another no 022-22826300.if anybody are interested cal those no's.my mobile no is 9010347790(udamsingh)


A ship went on a voyage.After it had travelled 180 miles a plane statrted with 10 times the speed of the ship. An army 50 miles long marches at a constant rate. A courier standing at the rear moves forward and delivers the message to the first person and then turns back and reaches the rear of the army as the army completes 50 miles. Find the distance travelled by the courier.


the program requires 4000(n)1/2 [ie square root of n].if size of program was increased by 1% then calculate the percentage change in size of program.


"what category of job are you looking for and why"asked from an mep engineer.


Add a word in starting of SCAPE and at the end of Grass, u will get two different word


Light glows for every 13 seconds . How many times did it between 1:57:58 and 3:20:47 am


A person went to shop and asked for change for 1.15 paise. But he said that he could not only give change for one rupee but also for 50p, 25p, 10p and 5p. What were the coins he had ?


There are two natural numbers. A cube difference of the squares is a square difference of their cubes.These are the smallest possible numbers. what is the sum of these numbers?


sadrine's avg on four tests is 80 which of the following cannot be the number of tests on which she earned exactly 80 points


A son and father goes for boating in river upstream . After rowing for 1 mile son notices the hat of his father falling in the river. After 5min. he tells his father that his hat has fallen. So they turn around and are able to pick the hat at the point from where they began boating after 5 min.Tell the speed of river.


A room is 30 X 12 X 12. a spider is on the middle of the smaller wall, 1 feet from the top, and a fly is on the middle of the opposite wall 1 feet from the bottom. what is the min distance required for the spider to crawl to the fly.


Why RSD of area limit is 15?


.Both A and B Alice and Bob play the following chip-off-the-table game. Given a pile of 58 chips, Alice first picks at least one chip but not all the chips. In subsequent turns, a player picks at least one chip but no more than the number picked on the previous turn by the opponent. The player to pick the last chip wins. Which of the following is true?


Find the value of ( 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.001 ) / ( 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.075 + 0.01)?