what is dhcp? what is the uses and advantages?

Answer Posted / amandeep singh

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

DHCP Server is being used to automatically assign IP
address to all the client machines in the network. It als
make easy to manage all the client machines in the network.

Why it is used and advantage?

In a huge network, it is not possible to go to every
individual computer and assign IP address. So in this case
we should use DHCP Server so as and when a client machine
is connected in the network and doesn’t have any IP address
it automatically look for a DHCP server in the network and
send a request for IP.

Discover Offer Request Acknowledge »

This is the process how the IP address is being assigned to
a client computer in network by DHCP Server.

DISCOVER » Client Machine : Find DHCP Server in the network.

OFFER » DHCP Server : Offer IP address range to requesting
client machine.

REQUEST » Client Machine: Choose single IP address and
request for it.

AKCNOWLEDGE » DHCP Server : Assign the IP address to click
machine and acknowledge it.

Any sugegstions or corrections?? please reply.

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