I am going to write TNPSC Group 1 exam i need the syllabus
or pattern for the examination.


Answer Posted / jeya

study state board books upto 10th science,and indian
constitution, mainly concentrate social science books and
read year book(manorma)

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hi friends i want to became an IAS officer so please give me a roadmap to prepare for GROUP1 exam


i cmplted mba in andra university,can u pls help me how 2 prepare group 1 exam?vat is the syllabus?how 2 enter in group 1?


hii dis is gajendra have any suggesstion about studying group-1 preliminary preparation any ideas send me mail to jenindra@gmail.com


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hello frnz i just completed my B.E and joined in an software company. i am interested in writing group-1 exam and i have basic information like what is the syllabus and pattern of the paper but i dont know how to prepare and what material i should study for clearing the prelims. hope you understood my situation. plz help me in this aspect. thanks & regards sahaja


Hi!! Am dng my btech.,3rd yr, n my stream is ECE. Aftr btech I wish to appear fr Group-1. I'l b very thankful if u provide d necessary info regardng hw to proceed vt d preparatn and othr details requird...I'l b thnkfl fr d guidance..


now i am doing my BE final year.i want to become an brake inspector,i didn't know about in which category it is under coming either group1 or group2?


Hiiiiiii This is Madhu just completed B.Tech with 84%. Now I want to prepare for Group 1. Can any one guide me in that way. I want the previous papers, revised syllabus and interview questions. If any one had those I kindly request u to send through madhankumar459@yahoo.com. I hope I will get the details soon......... Thank U guys....


can u give me information about the best group1 coaching center available in hyderabad .... i am an engg student with distinction can that make my process of clearing group1 any way easy ??


what is de percentage required to qualify in group 1 prelims and mains?


Hi , Could someone please suggest me good institutes in vijayawada for APPSC Group 1 . .. Please help me


hi. can any one tell me now i am govt emp,age 29 years i am very interest in group-1, i wont to know the age limit and how many attempt?


hi every one.. im in btech 4th year i would like to know the best coaching centre for group1 in hyderabad ...


hi! can anyone of u send me the previous model papers of group1 mains which were given in 2008 notification brochure