What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural
Programming ?

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OOP is programming which is oriented around objects, thus
taking advantages of encapsulation, polymorphism and
inheritance to increase code reuse and decrease code

In procedural program, programming logic follows certain
procedures and intructions are executed one after another.
In OOP unit of program is object which is nothing but
combination of data and code.

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#include #include #include #include void insert(struct btreenode **, int); void inorder(struct btreenode *); struct btreenode { struct btreenode *leftchild; struct btreenode *rightchild; int data; }; main() { struct btreenode *bt; bt=(struct btreenode *)NULL; int req,i=1,num; clrscr(); printf("Enter number of nodes"); scanf("%d",&req); while(i<=req) { printf("Enter element"); scanf("%d",&num); insert(&bt,num); i++; } inorder(bt); } void insert(struct btreenode **sr, int num) { if(*sr==NULL) { *sr=(struct btreenode *)malloc (sizeof(struct btreenode)); (*sr)->leftchild=(struct btreenode *)NULL; (*sr)->rightchild=(struct btreenode *)NULL; (*sr)->data=num; return; } else { if(num < (*sr)->data) insert(&(*sr)->leftchild,num); else insert(&(*sr)->rightchild,num); } return; } void inorder(struct btreenode *sr) { if(sr!=(struct btreenode *)NULL) { inorder(sr->leftchild); printf("\n %d",sr->data); inorder(sr->rightchild); } else return; } please Modify the given program and add two methods for post order and pre order traversals.


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