my namjad . firefox doesn't open yahoo page but other page
open so what is reason I'm again install but is not working

Answer Posted / sanjaysachdeva

This may be happen because Firefox may be not compatible to
your system to open all the sites.

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How to write a test cases for the following Please it is urgent Once user clicks that link Invite Friend page opens up thru which user can do 2 functions - first is to search friends detail(name, mail id) from her address book in other sites (india times, yahoo, gmail and rediff) and second to mail the invite to the selected person/s. User can send invite to multiple person at same time. Searching friends detail in other address books will work like this: - User will input name, email id, pwd etc, select from which site she want to get friends list and then click on Import. - Users address book from other sites will be imported in one shot(first time) to iDiva database. - It will be arranged in alphabetical order(complete list) and mail ids which are already used will be in different color. - User will be able to update her address book by clicking on ""Refresh"" button on the page, which will trigger the process again, and fetch new mail ids.


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In any Hyderabd institute you can find these word commomly used by faculties ... Yes or no / Right or wrong so funny...


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1. Buzz Words 1.1 Purpose Allow user easy access of content based on key/popular words 1.2 Scope All the tags at the portal. 1.3 User Interface - Tags are usually hyperlinks that lead to a collection of items that are associated with the tag. - Click takes you to page similar to Search Result page, should search all content and not only articles - Based on Most Viewed only 1.4 Interfacing/Sourcing Details - Need to develop an application which works on algorithm to calculate size/color of Buzz words. - In phase 1 algorithm will be pretty straight forward of calculating dimesion of Buzz words by going by ""Most Viewed/Visited"" words. Need to get exact algorithm.


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IN MY APPLICATION SOME WINDOW IS THERE IT CONSISTS OF SOME 25 LABLES IN THOSE FOR THE ALREADY SELECTED ONE IT WILL SHOW THE BACKGROUND COLOR IS YELLOW WHILE CHECKING IT SHOULD CHECK THE ALL LABLES WHICH ONE IS HAVING YELLOW COLOUR backcolor=SwfWindow("ALTAIR").SwfWindow("Load Wafer").SwfLabel(" ").GetROProperty("backcolor") SUPPOSE LIKE DS IT WILL BE THERE THEN FOR THAT SwfLabel(" ") inside this how to specify is my doubt because i have to check all the 25 labels plz explain it how to specify that


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