what is smart pointer & use of the smart pointer ???

Answer Posted / swarna sekhar dhar

Smart pointers have been the subject of hecatombs of code
written and rivers of ink consumed by programmers and
writers around the world. Perhaps the most popular,
intricate, and powerful C++ idiom, smart pointers are
interesting in that they combine many syntactic and semantic
issues. This chapter discusses smart pointers, from their
simplest aspects to their most complex ones and from the
most obvious errors in implementing them to the subtlest
ones—some of which also happen to be the most gruesome.

In brief, smart pointers are C++ objects that simulate
simple pointers by implementing operator-> and the unary
operator*. In addition to sporting pointer syntax and
semantics, smart pointers often perform useful tasks—such as
memory management or locking—under the covers, thus freeing
the application from carefully managing the lifetime of
pointed-to objects

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