can somebody help me out by giving me vtu MBA 1sem question
papers of previous year atleast 3 years

Answer Posted / amit

i have got the question me on 9343440085

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Business Social Responsibility (BSR). How this can be used to improve the business environment?


What are some examples of sign and symbols of corporate culture?


HelloIT Business Transformation Scenario Overview HelloIT is an eCommerce provider operating out of t he southwest corridor that needs to develop a strategic plan for acquiring large, successful competitors in the high-growth, high-population density metropolitan areas of Nigeria. The competitors that are identified for acquisition must have a unique, creative business model that c an be integrated into a synergistically superior overall HelloIT model in phases. HelloIT also plans to open some new stores during t his business transformation. It is the development and rollout of this business model that is the focus of this assignment . The plan is backed by Venture Capital Funds and as such has some very high expectations in hig hly specified timeframes. A special emphasis on processes will emerge from th e operational model to assess the benefits of processes within each acquisition. Upon completion of the project, a continuous improvement of these processes will be ongoing. Major Strategic Activities: 1. Develop the business model, identify the short-list ed competitors (that fit the needs of the business model) amenable to acquisition, and establish the s trategic timeframe. 2. Develop a Project Statement of Work( using the atta ched template


Why Does Currency Value Fluctuates?


why to pursue management education ?


if you faced any problem being in your past/present organisation as a seo executive please mention how you have solved this problem


What would be your sourcing strategy to buy low value items?


give some of the most successful job accomplishments since last performance period?


i lost my "h" form . so what can i do now? pl replay me


What is your Future Plans for the Organization if Permanently Employed?


Business communication is very vital for successful business organization in the globalization era discuss


what are the evolution of public adminstration?


Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures.


What will your outlook towards maintenance of liquid assets to ensure that the firm has adequate cash in hand to meet its obligations at all times?


what is just in time in inventory management strategy to improve the ROI of a business