How to Solve blue screen error ?

Answer Posted / dinu arya

when your pc display the blue screen error on your screen
this problem is caused by poorly
written device drivers, faulty memory, a corrupt Registry,
or incompatible DLLs
follow these steps to solve......
1)first u restart your computer manual and wait to be start.
2)then press f8
3)u see the advance option on your screen.
4)use up and down arrow select the safe mode.
5)your comp.. is to be start in safe mode very easily
6)safe mode help u to find the problem and show a diognose
box(error box) on your screen.
7)bye use of this error box write the error on notepad(see
the error in this error box)
8)click start-run write-regedit and press enter.
9)a registry cleaner box is open and then press clt+f and
enter the error u which will u found and press enter.
10)lot's of registry is show by this program u will be
delete all the registry related by this error.
11) this process will continue when your computer do not
show "no registry found"
12)and restart your computer and hopefully your computer is
started easiy in normal mode.

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