can anyone proide me reading material on please thanx in advance

Answer Posted / rohit

dude its very long version can u have short one
as per interview prospective

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Hi Friends, Would be great if you can provide the Model Question paper, Web site link or any reference s. Thanks & Regards, Byzoor,


When Recovery scenario actually starts while testing the application?


Hi Friendss..., can any body help me.. 1. Tell me your achievements(Technically)..? 2. Tell me your strengths(Technically) and weakness(Technical)..? 3. Why are you looking for change..?


what and how to answer for the question "tell me about yourself ?" for 3 years experience. can anyone say inj detail please... its urgent


I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format. Hence, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID:


Hi, I got error message as "object does not support this property or method: "Test.Actions" when i execute the following line of script on QTP 9.0 Dim qtApp, qtRep Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") Set qtRep = qtApp.Test.Actions("Action1").ObjectRepositories Can anyone tell me where i am wrong.


What is the difference between run time object and test object in QTP?


How will internal and external links be validated and updated? how often?


Hi all, I am using windows vista, I am in the process of learning QTP. When ever I try to work with insert mode in flight application , i am getting the error of 'Operation must use an update table query, fractional truncation(null) error. Can anyone help me regarding this?


in a web page How to check and display a particular word from a paragraph?


Dear Friends, I having total 3+year experience in manual testing including automation testing QTP, if i am attending any interview what kind of question will i get? please help me out


Did QTP prove efficient for your project? Yes or No, explain?


Does QTP run in any environment?


I need Major Help with a Script I recorded in QTP 9.5. I am recording scripts for a Web-based application(s) I have all the URLs for each application in Excel spreadhsheet so that QTP can pull that particular application from the spreadsheet and run it. The problem is QTP isn't recognizing one particular URL so when I hit run in QTP to run this script it opens the internet Explorer but isn't open the URL I have in the Excel spreadsheet. I've retyped the URL and still QTP won't open this Particular one for some reason. The site its self is working fine but for whatever reason QTP won't open it. How do I resolve this? I have a deadline of next Friday the 7th to complete this task so please help me in any way you can. Thanks in advance


What is active screen?