testing is a process or methodology,diff between
methodology and process?

Answer Posted / jagdishkanna

Process: The high level procedural representation of the
over all activities in the Testing phase.

We begin the testing process by developing a comprehensive
plan to test the general functionality and special features
on a variety of platform combinations. Strict quality
control procedures are used. The process verifies that the
application meets the requirements specified in the system
requirements document and is bug free. At the end of each
testing day, the team prepares a summary of completed and
failed tests. Our programmers address any identified issues,
and the application is resubmitted to the testing team until
every item is resolved. All changes and retesting are
tracked through spreadsheets available to both the testing
and programming teams. Applications are not allowed to
launch until all identified problems are fixed. A report is
prepared at the end of testing to show exactly what was
tested and to list the final outcomes.
Our software testing methodology is applied in four distinct
phases: unit testing, system testing, integration testing,
and acceptance testing.
• Unit Testing—The programmers conduct unit testing during
the development phase. Programmers can test their specific
functionality individually or with other units. However,
unit testing is designed to test small pieces of
functionality rather than the system as a whole. This allows
the programmers to conduct the first round of testing to
eliminate bugs before they reach the testing staff.
• System Testing—The system is tested as a complete,
integrated system. System testing first occurs in the
development environment but eventually is conducted in the
production environment. Dedicated testers, project managers,
or other key project staff perform system testing.
Functionality and performance testing are designed to catch
bugs in the system, unexpected results, or other ways in
which the system does not meet the stated requirements. The
testers create detailed scenarios to test the strength and
limits of the system, trying to break it if possible.
Editorial reviews not only correct typographical and
grammatical errors, but also improve the system’s overall
usability by ensuring that on-screen language is clear and
helpful to users. Accessibility reviews ensure that the
system is accessible to users with disabilities.
• Integration Testing—Incremental integration testing
involves continuous testing of an application as new
functionality is added. This requires that aspects of an
application's functionality be able to work separately
before all parts of the application are completed. Full
integration testing tests combined parts of an application
to determine if they function together correctly.
• Acceptance Testing—The software is assessed against the
requirements defined in the system requirements document.
The user or client conducts the testing in the production
environment. Successful acceptance testing is required
before submitting to the client for approval.

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