Write a C Program to declare an array for 2 0 floats.
Accept the values from the user
sort the two arrays in descending order. Merge the two
arrays into a new array and display
the new array.

Answer Posted / irfan fazli (trying to help tw

/* Build your program around this..... */
int a, b, c;
float t;

/*declare an array for 2 0 floats*/
float aList1[20];
float aList2[20];
float aList[40];

/* Accept the values from the user */
/* 1 */
for (c=0; c++;c <20)
scanf("%f", alist1+c);
/* 2 */
for (c=0; c++;c <20)
scanf("%f", alist2+c);

/* sort the two arrays in descending order */
/* 1 */
for (a=0; a++; a <20)
for (b=a+1; b++; b <20)
if (aList1[a] < aList1[b])
t = aList1[a] ;
aList1[a] aList1[b] ;
aList1[b] =t ;

/* 2 */
for (a=0; a++; a <20)
for (b=a+1; b++; b <20)
if (aList2[a] < aList2[b])
t = aList2[a] ;
aList2[a] aList2[b] ;
aList2[b] =t ;

/* Merge the two arrays into a new array */
while (a < 20 || b < 20)
if (aList1[a] > aList2[b])
aList[c++] = aList[a++]
aList[c++] = aList[b++]

/* display the new array */
for (c=0; c++;c <40)
printf("%f, ", alist1[c]);

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