The scenario is "while reviewing requirement docs(SRS)if u
find or feel any requirement is not meeting the client's
requirements" whom do you report?and what is your action?

Answer Posted / manu

Jagdish, did u read your answer and your sentence formation
before you posted it? its full of confusion without any
punctuation. Next time, use simple sentences(please use
period once in a while. and keep it simple and short for us
to understand.

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

Why we have to do manual testing?


Do you use any automation tool for smoke testing?


Hi Frnds, this is Aman.. can anybody tell me plz what kind of QA Interview questions are asked by IDS Infotech Ltd., Chandigarh? I have lil bit experience only in Manual Testing.. Plz answer my question as soon as possible.. Thnx in advance..


What is XML Testing? Do we have any tools to test the XML? Please let me know.


hello frens. Im Arun from the uk. im planning to apply for tester jobs with 3yrs experience. the problem is i dont have resumes. i have to mention atleast 3 projects (preferably financial projects) in my CV. im totally blank. can u plz send ur CV's to my email.... this would be a great help from you guyz. n u need any help from me? just mail me n ill get in touch with u. Thanx.


can anyone help me regarding testing patterns?


Why do you need to parameterize fields in your virtual user script?


What is software configuration management?


When we use integration testing for any new system so why we required system testing.


Inwhat basis the time is allocated for testing the application?


Zenq interview questions for manual testing


What is a testbed in manual testing?


Hi friends, Im an MBA Finance, 2 yrs of exp workng in Investment com, + around 2 yrs of exp in Manual testing in Finane domain. Im looking for manual testing jobs but not getting any calls, Im worried is manual tesing in finance domain do have any good scopes in future or not. Plz provide me ur valuable suggestion,so tht I can best decision to retain in this platform(manual testing). or not


Hi , Please send me the interview questions which were asked in manual testing mainly the test cases asked to write in interview.


What is the test case?