write the test cases for how do u send a message in mobile

Answer Posted / chitra

1.Verify whether phone is in On state.
2.Verify whether the network is available.
3.Verify whether the mobile supports message sending.
4.if the above all are suitable for proceedings then go for
menu option.
5.select Messages option in the menu.
6.select write message option from the list.
7.enter the text not exceeding the limit.
8.it should not accept the text exceeding the limit.
9.after entering the text enter ok button
10.select options for sending whether group/single/contacts.
11.if contacts option is being selected then select the
required no. and then click ok.corresponding message to
that no.shall be transfered.
12.if u directly go for number option then type the number
and then click ok.
13.message to the corresponding no. is being transfered.
14.mobile displays sent message text .
15.mobile also displays delivered message text confirming
that message has been delivered to corresponding no.
16.successfully message can be send in mobile.

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1 Tarot 1.1 Purpose - Tarot tool will duplicate the tarot-reading process for the user online. - Tarot is a craft that uses a deck of 78 cards to predict a user’s past, present and future. - The cards are picked by the user and arranged in a specific spread, which represents points in his past, present, and future; based on the meanings of the cards selected, interpretations are given. 1.2 Scope Only for registered user. 1.3 User Interface User Interface: 1. Question – This is only for user experience, and has no bearing on the formulae / process. Simple long text box. 2. Selection of field – radio button selection of 1 of 3 choices(Love, Career, Personal), which affects 1 of 3 card- meaning databases to be used. After selection, the unselected databases do not affect or interact with the system. 3. Spread Selection – radio button selection of 1 of 3 choices(Celtic Cross, Horse Shoe, Simple 3 Card). This determines the number of cards being picked and the specific spread database to be used. This also affects the specific report format being used, as well as the card- selection GUI. 4. Card Selection – based on the input 3, a specific layout is shown where the user needs to identify X number of cards (X also determined by input 3) which are then shown in the spread. Every card selection identifies the spread position constants (A, B, C, etc) with specific variable values (Card numbers) creating an array. Report format will display on a separate new page, in the following sequence – - Statement of question asked - Selection of field - Selection of spread - Detailed description of position data, positions identified as per spread selection - Card meaning as picked in field selection 1.4.5 Interfacing/Sourcing Details 1.4.5 Rules and Conditions - Data needs to be calculated for all fields, but only a maximum of 3 cards data should be shown in the free report. For the rest, a payment would be required. - Payment reports not in phase 1 - The report needs to be emailable (so functionality to convert to text file / html document should exist, which will then be emailed to the user’s email address).


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