1.I want to change runlevel but the Users shall not be
2.Disk have 5gb disk utilization even though files unable to
create, why?
3.what are the internal and external command in linux?
4.sar command o/p?
5.how list the open files?
6.what is kernel compiling?
7.How do u See complete configuration in ur system?
8.how will u make a daily updates with cron daily?
9.which port is associated with ttys0?
10.specific some problems linux admin(if u are linux
admin)faced and how did u overcome it?

Answer Posted / sachin mali

1. For changing the runlevel you should have to go in
/etc/inittab. There you can change the runlevel what you
want.It will not affecting current user. After restarting
system your system will boot in which run level you have set.

3. Internel command means whichever command are builtin the
system BIOS. And External command means Which are
nonbuiltin.It outside the shell. It require shell.

4. VMstat & sar are showing the free memory of the system.
5. ls command is use list a file & cat & vi is to open a file.

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