Answer Posted / k2koool

Hi guys this is regarding my experience of the reliance energy placement
process conducted in my college VJTI Mumbai.

The placement process ws for mechanical , electrical and civil branches...

Since i m from electrical i ll talk w.r.t the electrical branch...

Firstly there was a pre placement seminar which explained the various
aspects of the company , their projects etc...

This was followed by a technical aptitude test . It was of 30 min with 30

The aptitude was contained more of switch gear and power systems questions
and lot of practical questions like practical values of many components in

Some questions...

1.At 440KV which circuit breaker is used???
some options were air ckt breaker , vacuum ckt breaker n 2 othrs

2.If height of conducting tower increases by 20% what will happen to the sag??

A.It remains same...

3.What is the capacitance of an underground cable in general??
der wer four options in microfarads 0.1 , 0.7 , 1 and 1.5..

4.What is the surge impedance of a transmission line??
A.42.5 ohms

5.Which losses in a transformer are zero even at full load??
Options : Iron loss , Core Loss , Copper loss , Friction loss
A.Friction loss because transformer is stationary device so friction losses
never take place..

6.When is the impedance of a transmission line equal to ' Ohmic ' resistance??
A.When circuit nature is purely resistive...

7.What is the max permissible current for a 1k 1 V resistor??
A.Simple applictaion of ohm/s law...

These were the easy questions...I dont remember the tough qs....

Out of 35 who appeared for apti 28 were shortlisted...

Then there ws Personal Interview.

The interview ws more of HR than a technical interview

Qs like what is your family background , what are your hobbies etc etc

In technical i was asked to draw construction of an underground cable ,
diff types of cables available in the market according to their ratings ,
then 2 3 questions abt dc motors...

After technical the interviewer asked me some qs abt general sports , the
wimbledon final , the euro final etc...

So all in all it was more of a friendly interaction than a grilling
interview . The interviewer was really friendly and made us feel at ease...

Final verdict : 25 out of 28 students got selected and placed wid a package
of 4.5 lakh annually......

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