Topic :: Build

Build Interview Questions
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What is the difference between Build Management and Release Management ?


1 6971

what is the role of a test build manager?


2 4834

What?s the advantage of using System.Text.StringBuilder over System.String?

1 4556

A certain street has 1000 buildings. A sign-maker is contracted to number the houses from 1 to 1000. How many zeroes will he need?


6 34977

Let us say the SQL Server crashed and you are rebuilding the databases including the master database what procedure to you follow?

2 5899

What?s the advantage of using System.Text.StringBuilder over System.String?

1 3920

How would you build a search engine for large volumes of XML data?

1 4565

What is diference between Draft and Build

1 3140

What is the build-in potential?


1 2474

Is there a particular architect or specific building that you admire?


What software do you use to build websites? Give me an example of a project that you built using JavaScript. What kind of functionality did you create?


How should you treat money donated to improve a building, which is a permanent endowment?

3 4811

I am building a house in Iowa by the strict requirements and dimensionality of Sthapatya-ved. As you probably know, these dimensions are specific to certain harmonic structures generated by the architectural style and my astologic chart. The outer walls will be approximately 10.5 inches thick. I would like to use some sort of straw/clay mixture, but I also live in a very cold climate. It is not unusual to have -10 degree temperatures for several weeks on end. I have friends who built with rammed earth and their environment is miserable during winter, always fighting the fly-wheeling of energy in the earth structure. Can you shed any light on the true insulation value of a straw clay mixture in this climate.

1 4580

Do you have any ideas on how we could build a single vault and use lower embodied energy products?

1 3589

Green building has many positive effects on the environment. What are the most significant environmental benefits?

1 7745

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Un-Answered Questions { Build }

What software do you use to build websites? Give me an example of a project that you built using JavaScript. What kind of functionality did you create?


What details do you notice about the way this building is constructed? How does it differ from your own home?


Is there any symbolic or cultural significance behind the structure of the buildings you are observing?


What is the name of the first type of building used in Christian Churches?


Can you uninstall an older version of Merge before installing a newer version or build?


How would you Create a Query Builder and Explain its uses


How would you create properties by using class Builder Wizard?


How you build a project using Developer Studio?


How to disable the Delphi / Borland C++ Builder splash screen ?


what is Auto increment Build Number?


How to create an About Box in Delphi or C++ Builder?


How to Set Up a C++ Builder or Delphi Form to View InterBase Data?


How to Connect via ODBC using Delphi or C++ Builder ?


What are Delphi and C++ Builder Action Lists and how to use them?


Can we create stored procedures via Delphi or C++ Builder?