What are cookies? Tell me the advantage and disadvantage of

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What are cookies? Tell me the advantage and disadvantage of cookies?..

Answer / rahul

Cookies are messages that web servers pass to your web browser when you visit Internet sites. Your browser stores each message in a small file. When you request another page from the server, your browser sends the cookie back to the server. These files typically contain information about your visit to the web page, as well as any information you’ve volunteered, such as your name and interests. Cookies are most commonly used to track web site activity. When you visit some sites, the server gives you a cookie that acts as your identification card. Upon each return visit to that site, your browser passes that cookie back to the server. In this way, a web server can gather information about which web pages are used the most, and which pages are gathering the most repeat hits. Only the web site that creates the cookie can read it. Additionally, web servers can only use information that you provide or choices that you make while visiting the web site as content in cookies. Accepting a cookie does not give a server access to your computer or any of your personal information. Servers can only read cookies that they have set, so other servers do not have access to your information. Also, it is not possible to execute code from a cookie, and not possible to use a cookie to deliver a virus.

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What are cookies? Tell me the advantage and disadvantage of cookies?..

Answer / vaishali

Cookies are messages that web servers pass to your web
browser when you visit Internet sites. Your browser stores
each message in a small file. When you request another page
from the server, your browser sends the cookie back to the
server. These files typically contain information about
your visit to the web page, as well as any information
you’ve volunteered, such as your name and interests.
Cookies are most commonly used to track web site activity.
When you visit some sites, the server gives you a cookie
that acts as your identification card. Upon each return
visit to that site, your browser passes that cookie back to
the server. In this way, a web server can gather
information about which web pages are used the most, and
which pages are gathering the most repeat hits. Only the
web site that creates the cookie can read it. Additionally,
web servers can only use information that you provide or
choices that you make while visiting the web site as
content in cookies. Accepting a cookie does not give a
server access to your computer or any of your personal
information. Servers can only read cookies that they have
set, so other servers do not have access to your
information. Also, it is not possible to execute code from
a cookie, and not possible to use a cookie to deliver a

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