What are the functions of RBI?

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What are the functions of RBI?..

Answer / eswar narkedamilli

What is The Reserve Bank of India?

The Reserve Bank of India[RBI] is the apex institution of
the Indian Finanacial System.It is the central bank of the
country and is fully owned by the Government of India.
What are the functions of the RBI?

The functions of the Reserve Bank of India are:

1.The primary function of the RBI is to issue a stable legal
tender of money, both in volume and composition, to the
varying needs of the economy.It has the sole right of
issuing both currencies and bank notes.

2.Secondly, the RBI handles the cash reserves of other banks
in the country. It acts as a "Bank of Banks" .It makes the
transactions or transfers of money and payments occuring
between the banks much more easier.

3.The RBI holds the power to stabilise the situation of an
economy or to satisfy its expansion needs by pumping in
additional money or currency in the market.It also regulates
the interest rates on loans, which it provides to other
commercial banks in the country, that allows it to restrict
the flow of money or to relax the flow of currency as per
the needs and requirements of the circumstances.Such actions
were recently seen during the "GLOBAL FINANCIAL TURMOIL" ,
where the RBI pumped in loads of money into the markets and
also announced a significant cut in the rates of interst
imposed on loans.

4. It is also the bank of the Government. It provides
ordinary banking services to both the Central Government and
the State Governments. It also acts as an underwriter to them.

5.It acts as a safe-keeper of the foreign-exchange reserves
of the country.This makes the co-ordination and management
of the money matters of the nation easier to handle. It is
crucial in calculating the strength of the currency when
compared currencies of other nations.

6.The RBI also manages the exchange rates and helps in its
regulation and stabilisation.Being the custodian of foreign
exchange reserves facilitates this task of the Central Bank
of the country.A stable rate of exxchange is very
resourceful in promoting international trade and orderly
capital flows.

7.It also has additional functions related to supervising
and auditing of other banks. Banks which intend to practice
in the country for various commercial activities must obtain
their license from the Resrve Bank of India.

The Reserve Bank has also proved to be immenseley helpful in
the promotion of markets for Government securities.

Is This Answer Correct ?    62 Yes 12 No

What are the functions of RBI?..

Answer / asem ibohal

Great answer form Eswar Narkedamilli.
Briefly I would like to say as following..
1. issue of currency.
2. control of banks credit.
3. control of foreign exchange
4. Bankers to the governments.
5. and Money market.


Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 4 No

What are the functions of RBI?..

Answer / ru chi

Main functions of RBI are as follows:
1.Issue of currency.
2.Banker's bank.
3.Banker of Govt.
4.Custodian of foreign reserve.
5.Regulation of money market & banking sector.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 0 No

What are the functions of RBI?..

Answer / sexy sana

banker's bank
banker to the govt.
agent of the govt.
issue of currency notes
supervises other banks
custodian of foreign currency notes
credit control
development of nation

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 2 No

What are the functions of RBI?..

Answer / sonu

to promote banking secter

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 7 No

What are the functions of RBI?..

Answer / kunal pal

1.To print notes
2.Banker of the govt.
3.Banker's bank
4.Custodian of foreign exchange reserve

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 12 No

What are the functions of RBI?..

Answer / preeti majhi

Related functions
The RBI is a banker to the government and performs merchant banking function for the central and the state governments. It also acts as their banker. TheNational Housing Bank (NHB) was established in 1988 to promote private real estate acquisition.[29] The institution maintains banking accounts of all scheduled banks, too.
There is now an international consensus about the need to focus the tasks of a central bank upon central banking. RBI is far out of touch with such a principle, owing to the sprawling mandate described above.

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What are the functions of RBI?..

Answer / lord labakku


Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 20 No

What are the functions of RBI?..

Answer / guest

central bank
bankers bank

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