how to store 50 no of books in 9 racks.. condition 1.only
store odd nos of books in every rack.
2. no rack will be empty&don`t store even no of books in a

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how to store 50 no of books in 9 racks.. condition 1.only store odd nos of books in every rack. 2..

Answer / r

Cannot be done as odd*odd=odd

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how to store 50 no of books in 9 racks.. condition 1.only store odd nos of books in every rack. 2..

Answer / kiran

cannot be done

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how to store 50 no of books in 9 racks.. condition 1.only store odd nos of books in every rack. 2..

Answer / gkr

it is not possible as 9 racks is odd no and 50 books is
even no and the condition is no rack should be empty. so
not at all possible .

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how to store 50 no of books in 9 racks.. condition 1.only store odd nos of books in every rack. 2..

Answer / polima


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how to store 50 no of books in 9 racks.. condition 1.only store odd nos of books in every rack. 2..

Answer / gkr


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how to store 50 no of books in 9 racks.. condition 1.only store odd nos of books in every rack. 2..

Answer / p.mohanapriya


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