What is the difference between throw and throws?

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What is the difference between throw and throws?..

Answer / balaji

throw:it is used to raise exception explicitly
that means it is use when a user defined exception is raised

throws:if a method is capable of throwing an exception but
it does not handle the exception that must be specified by
using "throws" class

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What is the difference between throw and throws?..

Answer / rakesh nath

Throw clause is used in any part of the code where you want
to throw any specific exception to the calling method while
throws can be termed as a substitute for try-catch block.

When an exception occurs in a program, the compiler needs to
know what should be done with that exception. For that
either we should have a try-catch block or the method should
have the throws clause attached, as follows.

<access-modifier> <return-type> myMethod(<parameter-list>)
throws <exception-list>

for example, public void meth1() throws MyException

throw can handle only ONE throwable object while throws can
handle multiple throwable objects seperated by commas.

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What is the difference between throw and throws?..

Answer / suresh

mainly throw is used for user defined exceptions and throws
is used for compiler defined excetions.
Ex: if u get a NullPointer exception then we throws this
excetion to the compiler defined excetion class.

if u get malformed or ur own excetion in this time we to
throw this to our own defined excetion

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What is the difference between throw and throws?..

Answer / manish kushwaha

First of all i would say both are reserved keyword in java

In Java Exception handling we are using above keyword throw
and throws.

throws: throws clause is always use to propagate method
level exception, when ever you will use this clause, caller
method responsibility is to handle exception trowed by the
same method.

throw: this is the clause use to throw the instance of that
exception, main use of this throw clause is in user define
exception use you have written your own exception when ever
this exception will come you will throw this exception object.

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What is the difference between throw and throws?..

Answer / surender kannuri

throws clause is used to whenever programmer doesn't want to
handle exception.throws it out of method.

throw is used whenever programmer wants to handle exception
explicitly by using catch blocks.

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