Give examples of boundary value and equivalence
partitioning test cases.

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Give examples of boundary value and equivalence partitioning test cases. ..

Answer / sridhar

Boundary value analysis:
Ex : consider the numbers from 1 - 1000 which should provide
valid results when entering a value in between them.

We will break the numerics from - infinity to + infinity in
to three cases as explained in step 1,2 and 3

step 1: 1 to 1000 (When entering a value startign from 1 to
ending with 1000, should provide valid results as defined) -
step 2: - infinite to 0 (When entering a value startign from
- infinite to ending with 0, should provide Invalid results)
- Fail
step 1: 1001 to + Infinie (When entering a value startign
from 1001 to ending with + Infinite, should provide Invalid
results) - Fail

Equivalence Class Partitioning:
Consider an eXample, like a text box on the form need to
accept only "Special Characters"
so here comes the following:
Valid Case:"Only special characters" - when entering these
characters should not display any validation message
Invalid Case: " A-Z, a-z, 0-9" - when entering these
characters should display validation messages

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Give examples of boundary value and equivalence partitioning test cases. ..

Answer / lakshmanaraj bg

There are common mistakes that programmers make is that errors tend to cluster around boundaries.

For example, if a program should accept a sequence of numbers between 1 and 10,
the most likely fault will be that values just outside this range are incorrectly accepted or that values just inside the range are incorrectly rejected.

In the programming world these faults coincide with particular programming structures such as the number
of times a program loop is executed or the exact point
at which a loop should stop executing.

This works well with our equivalence partitioning idea because partitions must have boundaries.

A partition of integers between 1 and 99, for instance, has a lowest value, 1, and a highest value, 99.

These are called boundary values. Actually they are called valid boundary values because they are the boundaries on the inside of a valid partition.

What about the values on the outside? Yes, they have boundaries too.

So the boundary of the non-valid values at the lower end will be zero because it is the first value you come to when you step outside the partition at the bottom end.

At the top end of the range we also have a non-valid boundary value, 100.

This is the boundary value technique, more or less.

For most practical purposes the boundary value analysis technique needs to identify just two values at each boundary.

For reasons that need not detain us here there is an alternative version of the technique that uses three values at each boundary.

For this variant, which is the one documented in BS 7925-2, we include one more value at each boundary when we use boundary value analysis:
the rule is that we use the boundary value itself and one value either side of the boundary.

So, in this case lower boundary values will be 0, 1, 2 and upper boundary values will be 98, 99, 100.

What does ‘as close as we can get’ mean? It means take the next value in sequence using the precision that has been applied to the partition.

If the numbers are to a precision of 0.01, for example, the lower boundary values would be 0.99, 1.00, 1.01 and the upper boundary values would be 98.99, 99.00, and 99.01.

some example of Boundary Values:

1) The boiling point of water:
The boundary is at 100 degrees Celsius, so for the 3 Value Boundary approach the boundary values will be 99 degrees,
100 degrees, 101 degrees—unless you have a very accurate digital thermometer, in which case they could be 99.9 degrees, 100.0 degrees, 100.1 degrees.

For the 2 value approach the corresponding values would be 100 and 101.

2) Exam pass:
If an exam has a pass boundary at 40 per cent, merit at 60 per cent and distinction at 80 per cent the 3 value boundaries would be 39, 40, 41 for pass, 59, 60, 61 for merit, 79, 80, 81 for distinction.

It is unlikely that marks would be recorded at any greater precision than whole numbers.

he 2 value equivalents would be 39 and 40, 59 and 60, and 79 and 80 respectively.

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