what is difference between domestic and international call centre???

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what is difference between domestic and international call centre???..

Answer / rahul rai

in domestic call centres we support clients of our country
and in international call centres we support foreign clients

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what is difference between domestic and international call centre???..

Answer / sandeep verma

I'm also working in Domestic Process

In Domestic Call Centre we have to received Domestic Call
But in International Call Centre we have to received
International Calls and in domestic call centre no need for
good english if u are able for speaking english so u hv to
join Domestic Call centre if u are going for international
process so english is must so if some people are not good
english so Domestic process is useful for that candidate bt
in international u hv to learn more things rater then
domestic so all process are good but when u r in domestic
process so u are learning so many things

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 9 No

what is difference between domestic and international call centre???..

Answer / guest

domestic call centre sserves the local clients i.e. the local customer of the same country where as international call centre serves the foreign clients i.e. the cusstomer from different country... 

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what is difference between domestic and international call centre???..

Answer / sandeep verma

I'm also working in Domestic Process

In Domestic Call Centre we have to received Domestic Call
But in International Call Centre we have to received
International Calls and in domestic call centre no need for
good english if u are able for speaking english so u hv to
join Domestic Call centre if u are going for international
process so english is must so if some people are not good
english so Domestic process is useful for that candidate bt
in international u hv to learn more things rater then
domestic so all process are good but when u r in domestic
process so u are learning so many things

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

what is difference between domestic and international call centre???..

Answer / sandeep verma

I'm also working in Domestic Process

In Domestic Call Centre we have to received Domestic Call
But in International Call Centre we have to received
International Calls and in domestic call centre no need for
good english if u are able for speaking english so u hv to
join Domestic Call centre if u are going for international
process so english is must so if some people are not good
english so Domestic process is useful for that candidate bt
in international u hv to learn more things rater then
domestic so all process are good but when u r in domestic
process so u are learning so many things

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 6 No

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