difference between ancient age,middle age & modern age.

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difference between ancient age,middle age & modern age...

Answer / vinay bisht

Ancient age talks about the time period back 100-400 yrs
when man used to hunt,make use of fire and roam in jungles
wearing clothes of leaves.
Middle Age talks of the 18th and the 19th century when the 2
World wars took place and the Industrial REvolution took
place. This period caused the greatest devastation of all
times.++uranium bombs most Development++ Nuclear disasters
Modern Age talks about the 20th century in particular when
the World was at its best in Development. and gave way to a
lot of Problems worldwide including Global Warming etc
Thanking You!!!!!!!!!! this is ur friend Vinay Bisht from
Dehradun.... vinnubisht@gmail.com

Is This Answer Correct ?    47 Yes 25 No

difference between ancient age,middle age & modern age...

Answer / bidhan tandukar

Differences of Ancient Age & Modern Age.

Ancient Age= People were Wild. They used to wander from one place to another in search of food. They had no specific place to live in. They used to kill animals and feed themselves. They were clothes made from leaves. With the passage of time, they invented fire and started eating cooked food. ETC.......................................

Modern Age= People has many responsibilities to fulfill. It is more complex than the Ancient Age. People has a specific home to live. They eat cooked food with some ingredients. They were clothes made from wool, cotton, thread ETC........

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 10 No

difference between ancient age,middle age & modern age...

Answer / parijat

Differences of Ancient Age & Modern Age.

Ancient Age= People were Wild. They used to wander from one place to another in search of food. They had no specific place to live in. They used to kill animals and feed themselves. They were clothes made from leaves. With the passage of time, they invented fire and started eating cooked food. ETC.......................................

Modern Age= People has many responsibilities to fulfill. It is more complex than the Ancient Age. People has a specific home to live. They eat cooked food with some ingredients. They were clothes made from wool, cotton, thread ETC........

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 14 No

difference between ancient age,middle age & modern age...

Answer / chiranjiv

20 difference between ancient and medieval age

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difference between ancient age,middle age & modern age...

Answer / sourabh das


Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 19 No

difference between ancient age,middle age & modern age...

Answer / nimra

answer is you all r crazy
abay dimagh khori nhe kar na
tojhe saas marni
tojho aj janazo nikarnu
toke samajh nahe achni
ok bye

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 41 No

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