Hi guys...
I have one doubt ..Exception is a runtime error then why
we have checked exception...
Thanks in advance

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Hi guys... I have one doubt ..Exception is a runtime error then why we have checked exception...

Answer / bhaskar.mantrala

u right.But if we take an exception like divide by
zero..and if this system executes this type of exception an
abnormal termination will occur and system budden will also
occur...so if we give an exception on or before execution
we can improve our system performance.....and this concept
does not support by c-lang and it can be supported by

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Hi guys... I have one doubt ..Exception is a runtime error then why we have checked exception...

Answer / ray

if we not give exception then the program will terminate
abruptly during run time but if exception is there then it
is caught and the program runs as usual .

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