What is the difference between Hub and Switch?

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What is the difference between Hub and Switch?..

Answer / prashanth kumar d v

Hub : It brodcast the Ip address, if it got any replay from
that IP then only it will communicate with that system. 2)
shared date transfer( data transfer is very slow.

Switch : 1) It is One to One connectinn. 2) It will cache
the host ip address in the memory. 3) Data transfer rate is
very high.

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What is the difference between Hub and Switch?..

Answer / jagdish

hub swith

hub has no port security port security

single broadcast domain multiple broadcast domain

single collision domain single collision domain

layer 1 device layer 2 device

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What is the difference between Hub and Switch?..

Answer / manoj

hub swith

hub has no port security port security

single broadcast domain multiple broadcast

single collision domain single collision domain

layer 1 device layer 2 device

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What is the difference between Hub and Switch?..

Answer / sheikh sikkandar,singapore

In programming, the IUnknown interface is the fundamental
interface in the Component Object Model (COM). The
published COM specification mandates that COM objects must
minimally implement this interface. Furthermore, every
other COM interface must be derived from IUnknown.

The IUnknown interface exposes three methods (sometimes
called functions): QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release:[1]

QueryInterface is used to obtain a pointer to another
interface, given a GUID that uniquely identifies that
interface (commonly known as an interface ID, or IID). If
the COM object does not implement that interface, an
E_NOINTERFACE error is returned instead.

AddRef is used by clients to indicate that a COM object is
being referenced. This is necessary to ensure that a COM
object is not disposed prematurely.

Release is used by clients to indicate that they have
finished using the COM object. An unreferenced COM object
may be safely disposed.

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What is the difference between Hub and Switch?..

Answer / naushad ali

Hub is used to connect devices on a network so that they
can communicate each other, it always do broadcast.

Switch is also connect to devices on network, but first
time it will do broadcast and second time onwards it will
do unicast.

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