What is the difference between Regression and Retest

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What is the difference between Regression and Retest Testing?..

Answer / sj16

Regression Test:: To check whether the change component
introduce any error in an unchanged component is called
Regression Testing..

Re-Testing:: Testing one module again to check whether its
working fine or not or say second time testing of that
particular test case is called Re-Testing..

Example:: Suppose we have 3 module i.e
Adding,Deleting,Updating now we find some bug in Adding
module and after that bug is fixed we again test that Adding
module is working fine or not this is called Re-Testing and
Testing the Remaining modules to check whether they r
working fine or not after the bug fixed in Adding module is
called Regression Testing..........

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What is the difference between Regression and Retest Testing?..

Answer / an nguyen

Retest testing is also known as confirmation testing. That
is to run test cases that failed the last time they were run
in order to verify the success of corrective actions. Or
verify faults fixed.

Regression test is check unchanged areas of the software to
see if they have been affected (b/c fixing faults)

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What is the difference between Regression and Retest Testing?..

Answer / swarna

Regression Testing:

(*) To make sure that, fixing the bug in one module, should
not affect the rest of the modules.

(*) Here we will re-execute the test cases, which are
already pass.


(*) Re-execute the Testcases, which has been failed.

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What is the difference between Regression and Retest Testing?..

Answer / jayapal

Regression Testing: We will re-execute the testcases
whenever defects are fixed or new changes added to
application to make sure that existing functionality
remains unaffect.

Retest: We will re-execute the testcases with different
types of inputs to make sure that application is working as
per requirement.

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What is the difference between Regression and Retest Testing?..

Answer / samrat jha

Retesting is testing the same build again n again just to
confirm that the S/W(Build) is working according to the
specification... whereas Regression testing is rerunning
the old test cases on newer builds... actually wenevr we
find any bug we report It to the developers or sumtyms to
the review committee(If available). then the bugs get fixid
nd same build wid a new build ID is given to the testers to
confirm dat the bugs which were found in previous test runs
hv been fixd nd the fixing of the bugs has nt introduced
any new bugs to be appear...

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What is the difference between Regression and Retest Testing?..

Answer / mahi

In Retesting one will perform testing on the same functionality again and again with multiple sets of values inorder come to a conclusion whether it is working fine or not.

In Regression testing one will perform testing on already tested functionality again and again.usually we do it in two scenarios,
1.Whenever the tester find some defects,send it to the development department,after rectification developers will release the next build,once the next build is released the testers will check the defect functionality aswellas the related fuctionality are working fine or not.
2.Whenever some new features are added,next build is released to the testing department then the testers will once again test all the related features of the those new features inorder to check whether they are working same as previous or not.

Retesting starts from the first build and cotinue up to last build.
Regression testing starts from second build and continue up to last build.

pls let me know if at all any thing wrong.

Thanks & Regards,

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What is the difference between Regression and Retest Testing?..

Answer / madhu patchala

Regression testing:tester to test the allready tested application to test the again and again and the same time new build test cases also verifying in this case is called regression testing."actually regression testing starting second build on words.

retesting:tester test the same application again and again is called retesting.retesting start with first build on words

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