Which keyword is used both in subfile and subfile control
record format of a DSPF?

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Which keyword is used both in subfile and subfile control record format of a DSPF?..

Answer / syam

Dear Rajgoaj you are correct. but that is in Subfile
Message Record format on DSPF.(SFLMSG & SFLCTL)
My answer for Subfile and Sufile control record format.(SFL
Please check the question. You make sure before
appyling "No". Thanks

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Which keyword is used both in subfile and subfile control record format of a DSPF?..

Answer / sidc



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Which keyword is used both in subfile and subfile control record format of a DSPF?..

Answer / syam

Indicator keywords can use in both record format.

Keyword Indicators/+ Resp Text
CA03 03 Exit
CA12 12 Cancel

Keyword Indicator Text
CA03 03 'Exit'
CA12 12 'Cancel'

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 7 No

Which keyword is used both in subfile and subfile control record format of a DSPF?..

Answer / syam

Modification on first answer:

Keyword Indicator Text
SETOFF 03 'Exit'
SETOFF 12 'Cancel'

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Which keyword is used both in subfile and subfile control record format of a DSPF?..

Answer / reena

KEEP Keyword

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Which keyword is used both in subfile and subfile control record format of a DSPF?..

Answer / kapil kumar

Besides SFL, the following keywords are also valid on the
subfile record format:
* For message subfiles:
SFLMSGRCD (required at the record level)
SFLMSGKEY (required at the field level)
* For all other subfiles (at the record level):

The following otherwise valid keywords are not valid
at the field level when specified for the subfile record

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Which keyword is used both in subfile and subfile control record format of a DSPF?..

Answer / rajgoaj

SFLPGMQ in the keyword.

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Which keyword is used both in subfile and subfile control record format of a DSPF?..

Answer / amit


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