Mr. Black, Mr. White and Mr. Grey were chatting in the Yahoo
conference. They were wearing a black suit, a white suit and
a grey suit, not necessarily in the same order.

Mr. Grey sent message, "We all are wearing suit that are of
the same color as our names but none of us is wearing a suit
that is the same color as his name."

On that a person wearing the white suit replied, "What
difference does that make?"

Can you tell what color suit each of the three persons had on?

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Mr. Black, Mr. White and Mr. Grey were chatting in the Yahoo conference. They were wearing a black ..

Answer / guest

Mr. Grey is wearing Black suit.

Mr. White is wearing Grey suit.

Mr. Black is wearing White suit.

Mr. Grey must not be wearing grey suit as that is the same
colour as his name. Also, he was not wearing white suit as
the person wearing white suit responded to his comment. So
Mr Grey must be wearing a black suit.

Similarly, Mr. White must be wearing either black suit or
grey suit. But Mr. Grey is wearing a black suit. Hence, Mr.
White must be wearing a grey suit.

And, Mr. Black must be wearing white suit.

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 0 No

Mr. Black, Mr. White and Mr. Grey were chatting in the Yahoo conference. They were wearing a black ..

Answer / manojbatra071

Mr. Grey is wearing white suit

Mr. Black is wearing grey suit

Mr. White is wearing black suit

how's it jhakas na

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 13 No

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