how to select alphabets in a one column , for this the
table name is PA_TASKS and column name is TASK_NUMBER, In
TASK_NUMBER the data like this
1.1.3NN,1.1.4NN,1.5.1NN,1.3.2NE,1.5NN,1NN,1.2NE,1CE , For
this i need to disply output as only NN,but not other
alphabets, if NN is thre means i should display , otherwise
leave that blank or empty Its some urgent
requirement ,thanks in advance

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how to select alphabets in a one column , for this the table name is PA_TASKS and column name is T..

Answer / reddibasha


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how to select alphabets in a one column , for this the table name is PA_TASKS and column name is T..

Answer / ajit



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