When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to
login then what do we test more

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / ravinder mehra

If you are not able to login after entering a Valid user
id/Passwd then you will not go for any further
testing.Becasuse here your sanity testing fails.A valid
user id/Passwd means you are not making any mistake while
typing the user id/Paswswd...This means you should return
the build to dev team without performing any further
testing steps

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / saurabh mishra

In the broad ways two reasons could be there

(1) code level validation
(2) data base connectively,

Data base connectively error generally does not appear on
the user module in the website/applciation.
As far as case senstiveness is concern, it is already
define that entering valid user name and password.

Small or Capital letters does not matter in case of
Password generally

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / prakash singh

Simply checking the database will not solve the problem. It
might be possible that the values stored are correctly but
when there is an internal validation through the code then
the code written is such that it is not able to do the
validations at the code level instead of datbase level.
This again in turn will result in failure

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / vibhu

chk ur database if ur value are correct so chk the value
case sensitive or not.

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / bhargavi

chk ur database if the values u entered are at correct
place/ its an error.

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / viji

report the bug to development team because sometimes the
developer made the mistake or the valid user id does not
exist in your database table

if you enable to enter better report it to development team
or dicuses with Test team Lead or Developer about the
particular funcationality

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / viji

after guiving the valid username and password,check for the
vlaidation.Wheather validation is been called in onsubmit

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / ramthiraviyam

Once it is not working , Check the db using the following
query "SELECT id FROM 'TABLENAME' WHERE username='given name'"
for this scenario , the username should be unique .

If the query return a record means , you should send back to
dev team with actual problem

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / tsk

chk ur database if the values u entered are at correct
place/ its an error.

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When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more..

Answer / a.muthukumar

Do you chack
first,caps lock on/off.
second,code validation.
third,gave the database path is correct or not.
fourth,do you redirect page is other page or same page.

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