What is a temp table? how to denote temp table?

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What is a temp table? how to denote temp table?..

Answer / pavan

Hi, This answer is with respect Sybase ASE database

# temp-table

A temp table is created with a prefix of #. These are
session specific. That means if user-1 creates some temp
tables with #<some name> and logs out and then logs-in into
the database, he will not be able to see the #<table> which
he created.

Shareable temp-table

In turn, if the user creates tables in tempdb without
any "#" , then the table becomes shareable temp table.
These will remain in tempdb till the ASE is rebooted. If
the user logs-out and then logs-in , even in second
sessioin he can still access these table.

- Pavan

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What is a temp table? how to denote temp table?..

Answer / leena bejoy

Any table with name starting with '#' is automatically put
into tempdb database.
Temp tables allow developers to create and scan tables
within a stored procedure - and
have the tables totally isolated from all other database
connections. This is very
valuable when results need to be processed several times
within a loop, or when
a complex result set is expected (like a crosstab). Note
that temp table transactions
are logged within tempdb (exception: select into create

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What is a temp table? how to denote temp table?..

Answer / jayakumar

Temporary tables are created in the tempdb database. To
create a temporary table, you must have created table
permission in tempdb.
You can create temp tables in 2 ways :
1. Create table #tablename
2. Create table tempdb..tablename

a).If you create the table as per the above mentioned ways,
the table will get dropped automatically when the
session/procedure ends or you drop it manually.
b).If you don’t use the above mentioned ways and use
only "create table table name" command in tempdb the table
will stay there as long as you drop in manually.
c).If you create a table in any other database other than
tempdb, it will not be a temp table.

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What is a temp table? how to denote temp table?..

Answer / thangaprakash.r

temp table is a temporary table,any user can use this
temptable,it is one of the required database

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