what is crosstab reporting,slice and dise and drill mode??

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what is crosstab reporting,slice and dise and drill mode??..

Answer / jyothi

Tabular reports is a 2D format and most of the
operational/formated reports will be created in tabular
Cross tab reports is a 3D format and most of the analytical
reports are created in the cross tab report form.

Slice and dice allows us to show and hide the objects,
whereas drill allows us to drill the data like drill up,
drill down, drill through depending upon the user
requirements. With slice and dice, you change the postion
of the data like moving the data from rows to columns.
Drill mode allows you to analyze the data in different
angles and different levels of details.

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what is crosstab reporting,slice and dise and drill mode??..

Answer / v.sivakumar

Crosstab Report:
Crosstab must have one measure object and 2 dimension
measure object wii be placed in the body and dimension
object in the rows and column of the report.its some what
as three dimensional format.

Slice and Dice:
Its an three dimensional view, we can retrieve data on
different views.
We can replace the position of the object, we can sort the
object etc..
Slicing and dicing a cube allows an end-
user to do the same thing with multiple dimensions.

drill Mode:

Drill mode is used to view the data in different level
(ie.. from higherto lower level and vice versa.

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what is crosstab reporting,slice and dise and drill mode??..

Answer / ramesh

Crosstabreport:Its one of the template in WEBI.normally table having rows and columns.but it crosstab report we have three columns,rows,body.columns and rows can be interchanged here.usually rows and columns are dimensions.but boeedy must be measure(facts) ex:salesrevenue

Slice and dice:the veiwing of data in different perspectives.and it can be achivedby drill

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