what is multithreading in c++ ,
what is difference between multithreading and

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what is multithreading in c++ , what is difference between multithreading and singlethreading. ..

Answer / lp

C++ allows to to build your own multi-threading libraries by
making use of system calls, but there is no standardized
support for multi-threading. Reasons? Following are the few
of them:

1. You decide the performance of your system by designing
simplified wrappers over the system call to support
multithreading. Get-What-You-Want and Pay-For-What-You-Want,
2. Standardizing support may hide some powerful system
level functionality unique to a a particular

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 4 No

what is multithreading in c++ , what is difference between multithreading and singlethreading. ..

Answer / kanthi

Multithreading in c++???
As far as i know, c++ does not provide any language level
support for multithreading. If it is to be implemented
using c++, then it cannot be done without the support of
the underlying operating system which makes things a little
more complicated, unlike java, where a language level
support is provided for the same.
And, difference between multithreading and single-
threading: Multithreading is one form of multitasking where
a single big task is divided into independent, simultaneous
operations which can run together so that subtasks
independent of eachother can be implemented at once to
improve efficiency.

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 16 No

what is multithreading in c++ , what is difference between multithreading and singlethreading. ..

Answer / micah hoover

The next version of C++ (C++0x) is basically C++ with boost,
and boost has thread implementation. A lot of C++ frameworks
(like Qt, MFC, .NET, etc) roll their own flavor of threading.

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what is multithreading in c++ , what is difference between multithreading and singlethreading. ..

Answer / amit

hey ,c++ supports multithreading by the use of POSIX threads
,who the hell is saying that c++ does not support
multithreading ,the linux operating system made in c,c++ and
it supports multitasking ,multiprocessing and other child
and parent relationship

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 27 No

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