Who would you configure OWAS settings on an exchange server

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Who would you configure OWAS settings on an exchange server..

Answer / raveesh katiyar

Mobile messaging has become widely used since the release
of Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2), which
provided much needed functionality. SP2 has been able to
offer remote access users much of the same functionality as
users working within the network.
Outlook Web Access (OWA) provides remote users access to
their messaging system via any compliant web browser,
making mobile messaging universally accessible to any user
with a browser enabled device.

Configuring the Virtual Directories

When you install the client server access role on the
Exchange Server, four default virtual directories are
created to be used by Outlook Web Access. The directories
/owa - which is used for mailbox access
/Public - used to access public folders
/Exchange - used to access mailboxes and provide backwards
/Exadmin - which provides access for administrative
settings and properties
These directories are usually sufficient for most
deployments, but you can create additional virtual
directories if you require them using the New-
OWAVirtualDirectory command. Note that the forms based auth
and secure socket layer encryption enabled by default in
the /owa virtual directory will not apply to the new
directory and these security services must be enabled
Simplifying the OWA URL

Users like simplicity and simplicity reduces the need for
tech support from the IT helpdesk. The URL that users use
to access their mailbox via OWA can be simplified using the
IIS manager. The process simply employs an http redirect
and you can also set the IIS web page to automatically send
the user to the secure http URL.
Simply create the html redirect code to
URL=https://servername/exchange, open the IIS manager and
program the redirect in the properties of the default web
Modifying Attachment Handling Settings

A new service introduced in Exchange Server 2007 is Web
Ready Document Viewing, which allows users accessing the
messaging servers via OWA to view certain types of common
documents rendered within the browser.
The document types include Word, PDF, Excel and PowerPoint.
You can use either the Exchange Management Console or the
Set-OwaVirtualDirectory command under the manager shell. In
the console, the settings are located under Web Ready
Document Viewing settings under the OWA properties in the
server properties Client Access settings.
Public and private file access can be configured to either
allow access, block access, or force save the file to the
client’s device before viewing. All attached files with
either a default or a known file extension, are by default
set to one of these three options.
You can also choose one of the options for unkown file
extensions. Again, you can either use the Exchange
Management Console or the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory command
under the manager shell.
In the console you can set the file name extensions in the
allow, block or force save list under the Direct File
Access settings page. To modify the list you must select
Customize direct file access and Direct file access must be
enabled. There are two sets of settings, one for public
file access and one for private file access.
Available only in Outlook Web Access Premium client,
SharePoint and Windows File Share (UNC) integration
provides read-only access to documents. Administrators can
configure OWA to allow or block access on individual
servers, allow or block access from private or public
computers, create a list of remote servers to be treated as
internal (only documents on internal host can be accessed
via OWA), and allow or block access using segmentation.
To set access to individual servers simply add the host
name to the block or allow list under Remote File Servers
in the OWA configuration settings. You can also use the Set-
OwaVirtualDirectory command in the manager shell.

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Who would you configure OWAS settings on an exchange server..

Answer / muthiah nagarajan

By default, Outlook Web Access is enabled for all your
users after you install Exchange 2003. However, you can
enable the following features for Outlook Web Access:

• Set up a logon page.
• Configure authentication.
• Configure security options.
• Configure Outlook Web Access compression.
• Simplify the Outlook Web Access URL.

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Who would you configure OWAS settings on an exchange server..

Answer / dhanraj

When you install Exchange Server 2003 or later, OWA will be installed automatically. You can find it in IIS. For comfort of use you can further download a tool of OWA from Microsoft Site, named OWAAdmin. You can configure OWA by using this tool. You will find this tool in IIS also. Just right click on OWAAdmin and select browse.

You can access OWA from almost web browsers, mostly used IE6 or higher, Netscape, Firefox and Chrome. You have to provide your Exchange Server name or ip following "/exchange" word.
i.e. http://myexchange.local/exchange

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