Determine the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly
divisible by 10, 15 and 20

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Determine the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 10, 15 and 20..

Answer / suneel


Is This Answer Correct ?    47 Yes 4 No

Determine the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 10, 15 and 20..

Answer / mani

LCM of 10,15,20 is 60 for this to be exactly divisible
means no remainder so the smallest no. is 60 .
According to the question, we need to determine the
smallest 4 digit no.
so it would be 60 * 17 =1020 this is the smallest 4 digit
no. which is exactly divisible by 10,15 and 20

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 7 No

Determine the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 10, 15 and 20..

Answer / satyajit


Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 7 No

Determine the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 10, 15 and 20..

Answer / ramratan singh laur


Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 14 No

Determine the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 10, 15 and 20..

Answer / rock


Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 13 No

Determine the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 10, 15 and 20..

Answer / prasath


Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 23 No

Determine the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 10, 15 and 20..

Answer / kotesh

the answer is 1050

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 19 No

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