diffrence between srs and frs

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diffrence between srs and frs..

Answer / uday kumar_anem

SRS(Software Rquirement Specification) document will
describe about what the client is expecting from the
system/application/project/product. It consists of real
time usage of the system.
Ex: If you take Yahoo site, first page should be login, to
access mailbox user should be authenticated, user can able
to see all his received mails, user can send mails to
reciipents etc......

FRS(Functional Requirements Specification) document will
describe how the above requirements will be developed. In
FRS, the functionality in SRS will written down in more
technical terms. So to develop this system, what
technologies should be used, to login what inputs shoule be
provided, In Inbox what are the fields should displayed,
how the user composes the mail etc......

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diffrence between srs and frs..

Answer / amol bawane

Hi dear,
SRS:(Software/System Requirement Specification)
System Requirement Specification in which PM/PL collect the
information of requirements which will be needed for the
development of Application.
SRS Prepared by the devs TL/PM/PL by taking inputs from BRD

FRS:(Functional Requirement Specification)
A document that describes in detail the characteristics of
the product with regard to its.Functional Requirement
Specification in which mentioned all the details of System
functionality.How system works.All the conditions and
Validation as well as process are mentioned in FRS.

Amol Bawane.

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diffrence between srs and frs..

Answer / kumar

depending upon frs,srs will be built.........
frs deals with the client requriments.
srs deals with the system resources

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diffrence between srs and frs..

Answer / kumar

srs(software/system requirement specification). after
bussines requirement specification.brs. the pm,pl,tl are
devide brs into srs.

Functional Requirement
Specification in which mentioned all the details of System
functionality.How system works.All the conditions and
Validation as well as process are mentioned in FRS.

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diffrence between srs and frs..

Answer / geetha vemulapalli

Functional Requirement Specification is also called as
Business Requirement Specification .It is the 1st process
that should be followed by every Orgainsetion in order to
gather the Customer/client business requirements.
The contents of FRS
1. Purpose
2. Objectives
3. Scope & Requirements
4.Functional &Non Functional
5.Security levels
6.existing &non existing

Software Requirement Specification
After completion of developing BRS/FRS Business
Analist people will consontrate to develop SRS Doc basing
on FRS Doc . This Doc defines Customer Use case
requirements and system requirements to be developed as new
The contents of SRS are
Use Case, Use Case diagroms, Task
flow diagroms,pictorial diagroms,actors,pre conditons,post
conditions etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 19 No

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