what is the difference between cascading prompt and drill-thru

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what is the difference between cascading prompt and drill-thru..

Answer / palzkumar

1.Cascading Report: contains one report and it work based
on the condition.
2. Drill-through: contains two reports parent report
(summary),child report(detail report)child report contains
a parameter that must accept the values passed from parent


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what is the difference between cascading prompt and drill-thru..

Answer / sunitha

1.cascading prompt means which takes values from another prompt.
2.cascading report work based on condition.

1.Drill through is to navigate summary information to
detailed information.
2.Drill through report works based on the data item what we
select as a drill through options.

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what is the difference between cascading prompt and drill-thru..

Answer / ark chowdary

Cascading report contains one report and it works based on
the condition.

Uses the value from the previous prompt to filter in the
cureent prompt.

EX: If u select a Country----- India.
in the next prompt all the States will be displayed.
those which are under india.
If u want to c the details for the state------TN,
Then select TN from the list which will display all
the details for TN.

Drill Through Report: This shows current context of a
report,to access information in another report.(i.e Based
on the current data detail data of another report will be

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what is the difference between cascading prompt and drill-thru..

Answer / samba

cascading prompt it will shows prompt page,
for ex: product range
product category

if u select product range it will goes to product category
onece u select that will be goes to product, u select
praticluer product range and product category and product
that results onley shows.

drill through: that will goes to parent to child report.

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