What is difference between system and functional testing?

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What is difference between system and functional testing?..

Answer / amit

Functional testing comes under system testing.
Functional Testing : To test the software according to the
prgrammable knowledge of the software. To test the output
according to the requirements. To tset something what it
supposed to do.
System Testing : To test the whole system by integrating it.
It is of two types. 1- Functional 2- Non functional
User acceptance testing, usability testing, localization
testing etc. are coming under functional testing; but
security testing, penetration testing, load, stress, volume
testing etc. are coming under non functional testing.
So functional testing is a subset of system testing.

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What is difference between system and functional testing?..

Answer / mudaseer

for example let me take atm as an example

first we insert a valid card then enter valid password it will allow for further transactions

then it will ask for options like money withdrawal,check balance
so here when i click on check balance it should display the balance that is it has to take correct page

this is known as functional testing here we check whether the link is correct or not( similar example i can give in gmail when i click it should open compose mail only not any other link like inbox)

and system testing is end to end testing like insert a valid card enter a valid password and enter a valid amount to withdrawn that is we are testing from one end to other
this is system testing

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What is difference between system and functional testing?..

Answer / ramya

Functional testing? It is a test to check whether each and
every function of that application is working as per the
requirement (remember this work “as per requirement
document”-you must say this in the interview). It is a major
test where 80% of the tests are done. In this test, the Test
Cases are executed (or run).

What is System testing? When testers complete testing (The
testers test the application in the test environments,
meaning they test with the test data only, NOT with the real
data), the application (software) has to be tested in the
real environment. What it means is, since the testers test
it in the test environment with the test data, we have to
make sure that the application works well in the real
environment with the real data. In test environment, some of
the things cannot be simulated or tested. Al though the test
environment is very similar to the production (real)
environment, we need to make sure that we get a smooth
delivery in the real system as well (As servers are
different and database is different, things may not work as
expected when the application is moved from test environment
to production environment)

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What is difference between system and functional testing?..

Answer / unknown

functionality testing: it is subset of system testing, it is to verify the functionality of the application,to check that the functionality is as per the document.

where as
system testing: consists of functionality and non- functionality testing. it is to test the application as whole.
example like installation and non - installation testing.

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What is difference between system and functional testing?..

Answer / neha mutalik

Functionality Testing is the testing each and every component of the application is working fine. eg edit box, listbox, buttons, checkboxes, radiobuttons etc accepts the data as per the requirement.
System Testing is end to end i.e testing the application flows/business flows. eg logging into yahoo - checking mail - logout

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What is difference between system and functional testing?..

Answer / nutan sudesh

System Testing is end to end testing of a system including functional and non-functional testing.
In functional testing functionaliy of the system checked tha it's functions are working properly or not.e.g. we check navigations that it redirect to the correct page or not..
In Non-functional testing check the quality attributes of the sysem like performance ,load,stress,compatibility,usability,installation,globalization,localization, recovery etc which check the response time,transactions per minute,loading time,through put of the system.

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