What are the types of backup and tell me the difference
between full and differential backup?

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What are the types of backup and tell me the difference between full and differential backup?..

Answer / hari

Full backup
Differntail backup
Transcation log backup
File & Filegroup backup

Full backup : it's take full database
differential backup : what are the changes made after
fullbackup to current backup is called differntial backup

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What are the types of backup and tell me the difference between full and differential backup?..

Answer / rajvelur

Full Backups include all data within the backup scope. For
example, a full database backup will include all data in the
database, regardless of when it was last created or
modified. Similarly, a full partial backup will include the
entire contents of every file and filegroup within the scope
of that partial backup.

Differential Backups include only that portion of the data
that has changed since the last full backup. For example, if
you perform a full database backup on Monday morning and
then perform a differential database backup on Monday
evening, the differential backup will be a much smaller file
(that takes much less time to create) that includes only the
data changed during the day on Monday.

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What are the types of backup and tell me the difference between full and differential backup?..

Answer / raghuram

the types of backup are
full database backup
differential database backup
transactional log backup
file and filegroup backup
the difference between full and differential backup is in
full backup it takes backup for entire database including
transactional log files. but in diffrential database backup
it take only the changes happened between full database
backup and current backup.

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What are the types of backup and tell me the difference between full and differential backup?..

Answer / ravi

Tail log
copy only
file and file group
Full: taking data , meta data and services of a database
into our os file..both ldf and mdf
diff: it takes only changes occured in the data ofter
taking the full bakup..

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