what is the difference between fund manager and portfolio

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what is the difference between fund manager and portfolio manger..

Answer / chandu_c4u

fund manager updates the NAV values of the funds invested
by the investors.

portfolio manager updates the value of the investor
portfolio according to the stock market updates.

the main differnece is fund manager takes care of funds
invested by the inverstor in mutual funds, but the
portfolio manager minimises the risk invested in portfolio
and updates the portfolio according to the changes in the
market. he takes care of stock , and funds together.

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what is the difference between fund manager and portfolio manger..

Answer / eduardo mathur

In the real world, both terms are basically the same.

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what is the difference between fund manager and portfolio manger..

Answer / mr. jatin trivedi

Fund Manager is engeaged especially to decide the amount for
the investment which is collected by the company (Mutual
funD) WHILE the portfolio manager will decide where to
invest the fund which is decided by the fund manager and he
is also responsible for keeping NAV with standard rate. i.e.
fund manager will decide that we have 50000 INR to invest
for 1 year with maximum return on investment. Now Portfolio
manager will decide that 20000 INR can be invest in to
RELIANCE, 30000 INR can be invested in to HDFC or any other.
thus he just has to decide that where to invest the fund and
how to manage it just to keeping NAV high.

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what is the difference between fund manager and portfolio manger..

Answer / ravikumar sharma

Portfolio manager keeps day today tracks of portfolio
valuation & that portfolio consists of equity, fixed
income, derivative, ABS & MBS whereas fund manager keeps
records of fund & investment & decide when, where, & how to
invest in order to provide more retrun to investor.

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what is the difference between fund manager and portfolio manger..

Answer / amit dahiya

mainly difference between fund manager and portfolio manager is that - a fund manager follow a process of collecting to invest the fund . but in other side a portfolio manager manage the various types of securities available in markets.

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