How we can copy one table data into another table whose name
same as table but in differ database

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How we can copy one table data into another table whose name same as table but in differ database..

Answer / jayanthi reddy

create table tablename select * from databasename.tablename

i'm expecting this will work. if anything wrong correct it

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How we can copy one table data into another table whose name same as table but in differ database..

Answer / jyoti

INTO table_name [IN externaldatabase]
FROM tablename

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How we can copy one table data into another table whose name same as table but in differ database..

Answer / payal

select * into databasename.<TableName> from (select * from

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How we can copy one table data into another table whose name same as table but in differ database..

Answer / nikki

i think it is not possible to execute query at a time for
two database

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How we can copy one table data into another table whose name same as table but in differ database..

Answer / saket bharti

create table database2.tablename as (select * from
database1.tablename where 1=2);

This will create a new table in database2 with the same
structure as the table in database1 ,but will not contain
any values or constraints of database1 table.

create table database2.tablename as (select * from
database1.tablename );

This will create a new table in database2 with all the
structure and values from the table from database1.

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How we can copy one table data into another table whose name same as table but in differ database..

Answer / guru

INSERT INTO database2.table_name (column_name)
SELECT table_name.column_name FROM table_name

If two databases are in same server, this code will work.
For more details visit,

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How we can copy one table data into another table whose name same as table but in differ database..

Answer / bhas

CREATE TABLE `bhas`.`cds` ( table structure and data)

INSERT INTO `bhas`.`cds`
FROM `cdcol`.`cds` ;

where bhas is new db and cds is table name, cdcol is old db

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How we can copy one table data into another table whose name same as table but in differ database..

Answer / mahesh murali

select * into db1.db1_table from (select * from

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